
张文泰 posted @ 2010年3月09日 20:26 in Code and Develop with tags java , 2622 阅读


Java中一切都是对象。除了一些特殊的基本类型,基本类型一共有boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double, void几种。这些基本类型在操作上与一般的“类”有一些不同。这些基本类型在赋值的时候,执行的是内容的复制。虽然这些基本类型也有相应的包装器类型,但是基本类型的存在时必要的。基本类型和包装器类型之间可以相互直接转化。Java中还内置了BigInteger和BigDecimal类,这些都是很方便的高精度数字类。其中,BigInteger中的乘法采用了FFT乘法。


String s = new String(“Hello World!”),t = new String(“Bad!”);

这里的s, t仅仅是一个引用,如果有

s = t;



int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
  int x = i;



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CBSE 7th Class Quest 说:
2022年9月19日 17:27

The Central Board of Secondary Education has issued sample model papers with study guides and prior years' old test previous papers in PDF format. CBSE 7th Class Question Paper For evaluation-1, evaluation-2, evaluation-3, and evaluation-4 exams held under Term-1, Term-2, Term-3, and Term-4 exams of Paper-1 & Paper-2 or Part-A & Part-B Section for all subjects of the course for all Hindi medium, English medium, Urdu medium, and another regional language student, the board has designed those CBSE 7th Class Model Paper 2023.

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