Mar 20
#include <cstdio> #include <climits> #include <cstring> #include <stack> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 90+5; struct status { int u,b,e; status(int _u,int _b,int _e) : u(_u),b(_b),e(_e) {} status() {} }; char ma[MAXN],mb[MAXN]; int n,m,f[MAXN][MAXN],w[MAXN]; int p[MAXN][MAXN],r[MAXN],g[MAXN][MAXN]; stack<status> st[MAXN]; int tdec[MAXN]; int main() { int ncase; scanf("%d",&ncase); for (int loop = 1; loop<=ncase; loop++) { scanf("%d%d",&m,&n); scanf("%s%s",ma,mb); for (int i = 1; i<=n; i++) scanf("%d",&w[i]); for (int i = 1; i<=n; i++) { g[i][i] = w[i]; for (int j = i+1; j<=n; j++) g[i][j] = g[i][j-1]+w[j]*(j-i+1); } f[0][0] = 0; st[1].push(status(1,1,n)); for (int i = 1; i<=m; i++) { while (!st[i].empty()) { status tmp = st[i].top(); for (int j = tmp.b; j<=tmp.e; j++) p[i][j] = tmp.u; st[i].pop(); } for (int j = i; j<=n; j++) f[i][j] = f[i-1][p[i][j]-1]+g[p[i][j]][j]; if (i<m) { st[i+1].push(status(i+1,i+1,n)); for (int j = i+2; j<=n; j++) { while (!st[i+1].empty()) { int u = st[i+1].top().u; int b = st[i+1].top().b; if (j<=b && f[i][u-1]+g[u][b]>f[i][j-1]+g[j][b]) st[i+1].pop(); else break; } int u = st[i+1].top().u; int e = st[i+1].top().e; if (j<=e && f[i][u-1]+g[u][e]>f[i][j-1]+g[j][e]) { int l = st[i+1].top().b,r = e; // (] while (l+1<r) { int mid = (l+r)/2; if (j<=mid && f[i][u-1]+g[u][mid]>f[i][j-1]+g[j][mid]) r = mid; else l = mid; } st[i+1].top().e = l; st[i+1].push(status(j,l+1,n)); } else if (e+1<=n) st[i+1].push(status(j,e+1,n)); } } } for (int i = m,j = n; i>0; i--) { r[i] = p[i][j]; j = r[i]-1; } r[m+1] = n+1; printf("Keypad #%d:\n",loop); for (int i = 1; i<=m; i++) { printf("%c: ",ma[i-1]); for (int j = r[i]; j<r[i+1]; j++) printf("%c",mb[j-1]); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
Your program in C++ from 2010-03-19 08:54:48 ran for 0.53 seconds and used 2792 KB of memory.