
张文泰 posted @ 2010年4月20日 01:48 in Code and Develop with tags 代码 , 3635 阅读



char buf[10000],*o;
inline int getint() {
  while (!isdigit(*o) && *o!='-') ++o;
  int r = 0,f = *o=='-'?++o,1:0;
  while (isdigit(*o)) r = r*10+*o++-'0';
  return (f?-r:r);

这个代码提供了一个getint()的函数来加快读入整数的速度。我们使用o = gets(buf),时候就可以进行相关的操作了。在这个函数的基础上稍作改进还可以读入实数等等。

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NCERT Evs Question P 说:
2022年9月21日 20:25

We learned a lot from the Environmental Studies or Environmental Education (EVS) class, and it also taught us how to behave well in social situations. NCERT EVS Question Paper for 7th Grade, 2023, with all subjects answered. NCERT Evs Question Paper Class 7 The NCERT STD-7 EVS Question Bank 2023 has been created based on the changed syllabus and curriculum by subject specialists. The adjustments may enhance the student's abilities to earn top marks.

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